‣What is CME/CE Joint Providership?‣What steps are involved in establishing a CME/CE joint providership?‣Why should I choose joint providership?‣Who can enter into a Joint Providership Agreement?‣Can joint providers be located in different states or operate remotely?‣What is the role of each partner in a joint providership arrangement?‣How does joint providership affect the accreditation of CME/CE activities?‣Can joint providership be used for different types of CME/CE activities?‣What does an AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ mean?‣Does an activity have to be certified for an AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ before it takes place?‣How is an AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ determined for live activities?‣Why should I offer CE credits for my activity for psychologists?‣I am hosting an activity for psychologists. Can Medical Academy help me with CE credits for them?